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Our Theology of Support-Raising

1. Foundations

Stewardship + Resources

God created everything: all creation is His (Gen 1). We humans have been appointed stewards over God's creation (Gen 1:28). From His creation, God allocates resources to each of us as He sees fit (e.g. time, goods, money, strength, imagination, intelligence) and He will hold us each accountable for how we use those resources (Lk 19:11-27).

Secondary Causes

God works through secondary causes (Phil 2:13). While prayer is a central secondary cause (Lk 11:1-16), God also uses a range of other activities to achieve his purposes (Isa 45:1). This includes financial giving (2 Cor 8:1-15).

2. God's Will for Pilgrim HIll

We believe that Pilgrim Hill is part of God's broader will for the world because we seek to glorify Him (Jude 25), share His awesome good news (Matt 28:16-20), and do the peacemaking work of His kingdom this side of eternity (Daniel 2:35 and 44). We are thankful for God's continued provision (Lk 12:27-31), which has come to us through the generosity of people like you. We take this as a further sign (Rev 2:1-7) that Pilgrim Hill is part of God's will.

3. Support-Raising

We need resources to make Pilgrim Hill happen (Lk 14:28). We note that in Biblical history, God's people have been given resources both without asking (Job 42:12-17) and also after asking (Neh 2:1-9). In our asking, like the Apostle Paul, we believe it is appropriate to ask brothers and sisters in Christ humbly and directly for donations (2 Cor 8:1-15).

4. Our Use of Resources

We acknowledge that ends do not justify means. The way we allocate, spend and monitor our financial resources is important. God wants us to glorify Him in our obedience and stewardship of earthly resources (Eph 6:5-8, Lk 19:11-27). For this reason, we have transparent accounting systems but respect anonymity where requested (Lk 16:1-15).

What Happens to Your Gifts?


Thank you for considering financially supporting Pilgrim Hill.

Your gifts go to Pilgrim Hill Association Inc, our non-profit incoporated association which exists to share the love of Jesus and welcome people into relationship and discipleship with Him through hospitality and art.

Your gifts will be used to pursue this goal, including through: the pay of employees; the funding of the Pilgrim Artists Festival; and the establishment and maintenance of our Hostel and Artists Residency.

We trust that God, who provided the vision and land for Pilgrim Hill, will also continue to provide the resources to sustain the work. We are greatful that God does this, for the most part, by calling on people like you to partner in the work.


Pilgrim Hill Association Inc is a non-profit incorporated association. We keep complete records of financial matters, and are subject to an annual independent audit to help ensure financial accountability.

Because of our auditing and receipting requirements, we request that donors identify themselves. But if you desire anonymity, please notify the Association Treasurer and thereafter only those required will have access to your identity.

Thank you once again for your interest in Pilgrim Hill. Contact [email protected] for more information.